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Jakarta Messaging 3.1 (Under Development)

Jakarta Messaging describes a means for Java applications to create, send, and receive messages via loosely coupled, reliable asynchronous communication services.


Jakarta Messaging 3.1 will target the Jakarta EE 10 platform release.

Jakarta Messaging 3.1 will be a minor update with fixes and enhancements.

It will contain:

  • Bug fixes as they arise during the release cycle
  • Small enhancements to take advantage of some newer Java features in the lowest supported Java version (for example repeatable annotations)
  • A standalone TCK separated from the Jakarta EE TCK so that it’s easier to certify standalone implementations of Jakarta Messaging
  • Documentation clean up as identified during the release cycle
  • Any updates required to meet the Java version requirements of Jakarta EE 10
  • Any requirements identified by other specifications or the Jakarta EE 10 platform projects during the release cycle.

Jakarta Messaging 3.1 Release Record


Plan Review

The Specification Committee Ballot concluded successfully on 2021-05-19 with the following results.

Representative Representative for: Vote
Kenji Kazumura Fujitsu +1
Dan Bandera, Kevin Sutter IBM +1
Ed Bratt, Dmitry Kornilov Oracle +1
Andrew Pielage, Matt Gill Payara +1
Scott Stark, Mark Little Red Hat +1
David Blevins, Jean-Louis Monteiro Tomitribe +1
Ivar Grimstad EE4J PMC +1
Marcelo Ancelmo, Martijn Verburg Participant Members +1
Werner Keil Committer Members +1
Dr. Jun Qian Enterprise Members +1
Total 10

The ballot was run in the jakarta.ee-spec mailing list
